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- Article author: Dala Matar
- Article tag: Health
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While sunlight is a major source of Vitamin D, an essential element for various bodily functions, it is important to note that excessive sun exposure might lead to serious health issues:
Skin Damage: Prolonged sun exposure over time can lead to premature aging with appearance of wrinkles and age spots.
Skin related diseases: Excessive sun exposure might increase the risk of a few serious skin related ailments.
Eye Damage: UV rays can be harmful to the eyes and may potentially lead to conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
Sunburn: While sunburns are often harmless and cause only slight discomfort, their consequences can be damaging to the skin. Sunburn can have significant effects on skin elasticity, collagen and aging.
Here's how it impacts your skin:
Collagen Breakdown: Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to the skin, helping it maintain its elasticity and smoothness. Sunburn can accelerate the breakdown of collagen in the skin, leading to a loss of firmness and the development of wrinkles. Overtime, repeated sunburns and excessive sun exposure can contribute to premature aging, including the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduced Skin Elasticity: Sunburn can cause damage to the skin's elastin fibers, which are responsible for skin elasticity. When these fibers break down due to sun exposure, the skin may lose its ability to bounce back into shape after stretching. This can result in sagging, loose and less elastic skin.
Aging Signs: Sunburn can lead to the early onset of aging signs, such as age spots, also known as solar lentigines or liver spots. These are small, dark patches that appear on the skin, particularly in areas frequently exposed to the sun. They are associated with both sunburn and prolonged sun exposure.
Thinning of the Skin: Sunburn can cause thinning of the outermost layer of the skin, known as the Epidermis. This can make the skin more fragile and prone to damage.
Heat-related Illnesses: Sun exposure in extreme heat can result in heatstroke or heat exhaustion, which are dangerous conditions that can be life-threatening.
Dehydration: Spending time in the sun without proper hydration can lead to dehydration, which can have serious health consequences.
To protect yourself and your children from the damaging UV rays of the sun, it's important to use sunscreen, preferably natural and organic sunscreens, wear protective clothing (such as hats and sunglasses), seek shade during peak sun hours, and stay hydrated. Additionally, regular skin checks and eye exams can help detect any issues early.